
Alexander Proctor​

Alex directs the development of new applications for Active Life Scientific, Inc.’s core technology. Alex holds a Bachelor’s of Science in Physics along with a Technology Management Program certificate from UC Santa Barbara. He worked in Dr. Paul Hansma’s laboratory on the development of the first Reference Point Indentation (RPI) prototypes and helped develop a new mechanical parameter, Indentation Distance Increase or IDI, that could differentiate “easily fractured bone” from “less easily fractured bone” without having to actually induce a fracture.

He was the technical founder of the company, responsible for developing the hardware, software, manufacturing infrastructure, regulatory submissions, and quality management. Alex has instructed and educated scientists and physicians around the world in use of the technology. He remains focused on innovating new applications and working closely with researchers to continue to expand the RPI community. Alex is a contributing author for 8 peer-reviewed articles on Reference Point Indentation.

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