BoneScore® is Powered by Science

A robust body of published clinical literature is available that explores the use of BoneScore® in various scenarios such as treatment, osteoporosis, and bone-related diseases. In literature, BoneScore® is referred to as the Bone Material Strength index, or BMSi, and is powered by the OsteoProbe device.

FDA Clearance

Approved in Europe

Published Clinical Studies

Published Clinical Studies from Top Medical Centers

BoneScore® has been extensively researched in clinical studies at top medical institutions in the US, Europe, and Australia. In the US, clinical studies have been published by researchers at Mayo Clinic, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard University, Tufts University, Columbia University, and Johns Hopkins University.

Review Articles

Do you want to learn more about BoneScore®?

Treatments, Intervention & Exercise

Do you want to learn more about BoneScore®?

Osteoporosis & Fracture

Do you want to learn more about BoneScore®?

Secondary Osteoporosis, Diseases & Underlying Conditions

Do you want to include BoneScore® in the bone health assessment at your Clinic?

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