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We are working on expanding our network, so if we are not in your area, please fill this form to be notified when it becomes available near you.

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BoneScore® is offered at the following clinics:


511 Bath Street, 

Santa Barbara, CA


1125 Coast Village Road, 

Montecito, CA

Turner Medical Logo

1250 Coast Village Road, 

Montecito & Hayward, CA

165 E Palmetto Park Rd, 

Boca Raton, FL

101 Via Attilio Ragionieri,

Florence, Italy

4000 Stockdale Hwy,

Bakersfield, CA

9735 Wilshire Blvd, 

Beverly Hills, CA 

450 N. Roxbury Dr, 3rd Floor,

Beverly Hills, CA 

5416 E. Southern Ave, Ste 110,

Mesa, AZ

Now available in the San Francisco Bay Area!

BoneScore® is now available at the Hayward, CA clinic of Turner Medical Arts. To schedule an appointment, please call their Santa Barbara office: (805) 962-1957.

Do you have any questions for us?

Do you want to include BoneScore® in the bone health assessment at your Clinic?

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