Natasha Appelman-Dijkstra

Natasha is an internist-endocrinologist specialized in metabolic bone diseases and calcium/phosphate disturbances at the LUMC and the Director of the Center for Bone Quality in Leiden. The Center for Bone Quality is a National and European Reference Center for Osteoporosis, rare bone and calcium/phosphate disorders, participating in the European Reference Networks for rare endocrine diseases (ENDO) and rare bone diseases (BOND).

In 2016, she co-founded the “NVE-BoNe”, a national working group for calcium and bone disorders of the Dutch society for Endocrinology (NVE), where she serves as a board member, and is an active member of the Dutch Hyperparathyroid Study Group, a multidisciplinary alliance of Academic and non-Academic hospitals for improving the care and research in parathyroid patients. For her studies with the impact microindentation technique she received an American Society of Bone and Mineral Research Young Investigators Award (2014). Natasha received several research grants and has been actively engaged with several patient foundations including the Dutch osteoporosis foundation. Since 2017 she is the president of the Dutch association for calcium and bone research (NVCB).

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